Weeks Like This Comments
Here's what some readers say about Weeks Like This:
dear henry----many thanks for the lovely book, the poem and drawing----all much appreciated----i like the breezy easy style of the writing which dips to epiphs many times along the way----all good in-sightings and i wish the best for it.
---Jack Hirschman, UK & US
"...Thanks so much for sending your wonderful book, Weeks Like This. I'm
throughly enjoying it...it's a really outstanding production, great poetry
and artwork, many congratulations...Congratulations on a bringing out one of the most readable collections in recent years. I particularly enjoy the section "A small Greek island", but as I said before , the combination of Stockholm, Greece, jazz and the blues is a perfect match for my tastes. Thanks again for the superb collection.
---Jim Potts, UK & Greece
Your book arrived this morning, which I read through in one sitting. There's
certainly something very engaging about your style...congratulations on a job well done. I thought each section was better than the previous...I also like a lot of the poems in the last section, having spent so many years in that same milieu.
---Mark Terrill, Germany
"...yesterday in the poetry mailbag I received Henry Denander's new book Weeks Like This. I haven't had the chance to read it yet and will report back when I do, but I love Henry's poetry. Got some in an upcoming issue of Blue Fred's Kitchen. He's often likened to Bukowski, but he reminds me more of Frank O'Hara, whom I like a lot more than I like Bukowski. There's a charming lyrical element to Henry that Frank had and CB didn't.
This book is published by Bottle of Smoke Press, who along with Norb Blei's Cross+Roads Press produced the finest, most professional-looking books on the small press scene. You can't distinguish the works of either press from the efforts of the big boys with the heavy money behind them. Henry's books have the added benefit, from an aesthetic point of view, of his own illustrations, and he's a lovely artist."
---Bruce Hodder, Blue Fred's Kitchen, UK
"Poetry as it should be taught in the schools.
If educators the world over want to get kids interested in (or at least not hating) poetry, they could do far worse than use Henry Denander's poems in the classroom. Funny, wise, insightful, always there is something to admire in a poem by Denander. And they're easy to understand. You don't have to think about what it means. It's right in front of you.
Poems for the 21st century.
Buy this amazing book or risk looking like a fool!"
---Glenn Cooper, South Tamworth, Australia
"I received your book a couple of days ago and love it. I’m very proud to have my quote on the cover of it. It really is a very beautiful book, both verbally and visually. You should be thrilled by how it turned out."
---Gerald Locklin, Long Beach, CA
"Bless you for Weeks Like This, a superb, exceptional book..hope it sells like crazy, as it's a gem"
---Robert Penick, Louisville, Kentucky
"There are only a handful of poets I 'truly' enjoy reading and Henry is near the top of the list! His poems are simple, honest, and well written. He writes about what he knows, what he sees, where he is. No pretensions or BS. My personal favorite is the first section; terrific poems about family. Sweden brought the world IKEA, beautiful blondes and now Henry Denander!"
---Owen Roberts, Toronto, Canada
"Weeks Like This is amazing. Lots of new stuff (new to me) and they are classic/vintage Denander. I also found some newer styles from you, which I liked quite a bit (The salmon in the sky... was fantastic). Great job."
---justin.barrett, Salt Lake City, Utah
"Thank you for the memorable book. Not to single out any one poem but page 9 induced the sensation of butterflies in the stomach. How did you ever get these poems past customs? I will continue to savour them, of course, for some time.
---t.l.kryss, Ravenna, Ohio
"well, hell yesterday i began reviewing the "hd" poetry in your very fine WEEKS LIKE THIS, and damn near ended up rereading the entire collection, kid you not, henry"
---t.k.splake, Calumet, Michigan
"A great book by an original and different artist and poet"
---Dag Häggqvist, Stockholm